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Steel Sales Inc.

Business DescriptionWelcome to Steel Sales, Inc., your premier source for steel, aluminum, and stainless steel in sheets, shapes & structural sections. We offer expert fabrication services and we are a certified Hardox® Wearparts center. We're thrilled to welcome you to Steel Sales Inc., where we're passionate about delivering the best possible products to our customers. Whether you are looking for steel supplies or custom fabrication, our team has the knowledge, experience, and expertise to deliver the solutions you need. We pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer service, quality workmanship, and competitive pricing, so you can feel confident that you're getting the best possible value. From our shop to your doorstep, we're dedicated to meeting all your needs and exceeding your expectations.
Address8085 NYS Hwy 12, Sherburne, NY 13460
Phone 607-674-6363
Web Address
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Hours of OperationMon - Fri 7:00am - 5:00pm