Events Calendar
Agriculture Resources
Food Preservation
Food preservation involves treating food to maintain safety, but also to prolong the enjoyment of foods long after harvest. Learn about how to keep the harvest safely ready for your use year-round.
Farmland Protection Plan
A strategic plan for agricultural enhancement in Herkimer County.
Farm to Table Directory
Find Herkimer County local products for your business. Support community producers, avoid long distance shipping, get fresher ingredients, and it’s a great marketing opportunity.
Food Preservation
Food preservation involves treating food to maintain safety, but also to prolong the enjoyment of foods long after harvest. Learn about how to keep the harvest safely ready for your use year-round.
Food Safety
Enjoying the harvest includes strategies for keeping food safe and avoiding food poisoning.
The Herkimer Agricultural Council is coordinated by the staff of Cornell Cooperative Extension Herkimer. If you are interested in the work of the council or have a question about agriculture, local foods or starting an agricultural business, contact us today!
This website is a project of the Herkimer Agricultural Council which is dedicated to promoting the farm economy in Herkimer County,
managed by Cornell Cooperative Extension Herkimer County. Additional support from the Community Foundation of
Herkimer and Oneida Counties and the Herkimer County Industrial Development Agency made this website possible.