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Mae’s Table

In the heart of Mohawk stands Mae’s Table, a small roadside farm stand selling honey, vegetables, and eggs. Mae’s Table caught my eye on my daily commute to the office when I noticed evidence of structural updates. What used to be a weathered wooden stand was shaping-up to become something much more. I kept a […]

New Year – New Opportunities

New Year’s resolutions abound in January. Come March, many of us are feeling dissatisfied with our progress toward these resolutions. I would like to propose a more satisfying approach to behavior change, which is really what we are talking about here. According to the science of human behavior, successful resolutions involve a three-step process: cue, […]


Herbs are the edible green or leafy part of a plant, typically a low growing shrub.  This includes parsley, chives, marjoram, basil, thyme, caraway, dill, oregano, rosemary, sage, savory and celery leaves.  They can be used fresh or dried. Herbs appeal to our senses of sight, smell, and taste. They also have beneficial effects on […]

What a Crock…of Sauerkraut!

A large crock of sauerkraut sat in our basement when I was growing up, a round wooden board was placed in the mouth of the crock holding the kraut below the brine level and a towel covered the top of the crock.  How cabbage became sauerkraut was a mystery to me, why didn’t it just […]

Pick Apart a Pickle

By Barb Brenner, Certified Master Food Preserver If you run out of topics to talk about this summer at a family gathering, I have one for you that will get anyone talking.  Talk about pickles.  Go ahead ask what their favorite pickle is, where they purchase it or how they make it.  Dill, sweet, or […]

The Story of Teas

A daily cup of tea is an enjoyable experience around the world. Yet, we seldom reflect on the fact that this is a ritual that has been going on for thousands of years. How and where did it all begin, we might ask? There are a few theories that tea began in China, under the […]

Enjoying the Fall Harvest

Autumn is a beautiful season, with crisp days and nights, spectacular foliage, and a bounty of seasonal produce for the taking. Whether you harvested from your own garden or shopped at your local farm stands and farmers’ markets, you would have had access to a variety of produce that is harvested at the end of […]

Mat Kay Maple

I have enjoyed passing by Mat Kay Maple’s sugar house on my evening commute, with its eaves glowing in the dimming light. The building seemed perfectly placed, almost as if it had always belonged there. Surrounding it, the maples transitioned from ancient giants to aspiring saplings, all contributing to Barry Allen’s sugaring operation in West […]